Capacity Development for ICCO Desk officers 18 - 19 November, 2008

"It has changed my perspective on how to communicate on a different way with partner organisations!" "Most of the theory was not new, but now I can link it to my own work situation and understand the value of organisational assessment tools..."
Ten (Assistent) Desk Officers from the international development organisation ICCO received on the 18th & 19th November 2008 a two-day training on theories and tools for capacity development. Main purpose of the training was to widen and deepen the perspectives of the participants on how to communicate differently with their partners in Asia, Africa, Latin-America and Eastern Europe in regards to developing organisational capacities.
Participants got acquainted with organisational assessment tools such as the IC-scan, the Integrated Organisational Model and the ECDPM scan. Planning exercises were done with the HRD/OD/ID model of PSO.

Gertrud Wagemans, currently Desk Officer with ICCO, shared her experiences as capacity development consultant in Madagaskar and shared her perspectives on how she communicates with donors. "Don't push your partners too much for change, otherwise they will do things for you and not for themselves". "But otherwise, keep contact with them and communicate with them openly, so that you together can build and work on developing the organisational capacities which will finally lead to better service delivery. "
At the end of the training the participants planned for an exercise on the job. In the coming months the desk officers will apply some of their lessons learnt and will further elaborate ways on how to strengthen partnerrelationships for developing strong development organisations. Results will be shared and presented in January 2009.

Regards, Simon Koolwijk, e-mail.


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