Planning & Capacity Development at ICCO HQ, 7th & 8th January 2009
Central Asia is one of the 11 regions to which ICCO is decentralising its operations. The operation is called ProCoDe. Pro = Programmatic approach where partner organisations work in thematic coalitions to deal with problems such as poverty alliviation, improve access to basic services, improve economic conditions and promote Peace and Democracy. Co = co-responsibility; This means that local key leaders and experts from each of the 11 regions are involved in long term policy making of ICCO. What are the main themes, the main target groups we would like to support in our region? These are some of the questions which are being dealt with by Regional Councils where these local leaders are being part of. De = Decentralisation; In this process responsibilities and roles from the Central Working Office in Utrecht, The Netherlands are being tranfered to the Regional Working Office in Central Asia (i.e. Kirchystan, Kazachstan & Tjajikistan).
"It was a constructive meeting where we were able to meet all of our pre-determined objectives" was one of the comments from the participants. "It was a good and fruitfull atmosphere!"
On the 8th January 2009 Simon Koolwijk facilitated the planning process which signified the transition in handing over responsibilities from the Central Working Office to the Regional Working Office of ICCO in Bishkek, Central Asia. The meeting was composed of sharing the current situation and future plans in the areas of 1. Local Market Development, 2. Financial Services, 3. Access to Basic Services such as programmes on HIV/ Aids, 4. Democracy & Peace, 5. Climate Change and 6. Capacity Building. The second part of the meeting was composed of an operational planning where activities for handing over where specifically planned and shared.
On the previous day, Simon Koolwijk trained one of the Senior Capacity Builders in methods of capacity development. The main role of the Capacity Development advisor will be to assist in expanding and strengthening the Financial Service sector for the poor in Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern Congo. This Financial Advisor will be conducting work for ICCO, Terrafina and the Rabobank Foundation.
It was a course which provided some insight in the concepts of capacity development and the tools, which are available for organisational analysis. Unfortunately, the time was too short, to get more practise and in-depth knowledge about the tools. However, it was very useful, commented the Financial Advisor.
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