Some inspiring books!

"A whole new mind - Why right - brainers will rule the future" is a book which very much caught my inspiration. The book explains that in the coming decades the creative people will be the ones dominating and inspiring our work and economies.

Daniel H. Pink explains that a lot of products and services have been standardized. Economies as China and India are much more competitative than our economies in producting standardized products. Therefore the challenge for European and American countries is to become innovative and creative.
Daniel H. Pink recommends the six senses, which stimulate creative development:
  1. Design (make your product or service unique in its design)
  2. Story (connect a story to your product)
  3. Symphony (your service is like a music song, touching people at different stages)
  4. Empathy (replace yourself into the client and understand body language)
  5. Play (make people play and stimulate the inner child in them)
  6. Meaning (give meaning and understanding to your services. For example fostering sustainable development or fair trade)
Another interesting book is "Leren met collega's - praktijkboek intercollegiale consultatie." The book provides a lot of interesting insights on how to do peer-to-peer coaching. How to set up peer-to-peer groups, how to keep them going, and what kind of methods and where to apply?
The book provides also some useful hints and pitfalls in group coaching.


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