Making a video about the future of the consultant in international development

'Follow your heart, use your brains!'  This was the title of the video that opened the 25th Anniversary of the Nedworc Association on the 6th January 2012 in Amsterdam.  Nedworc is a network of development consultants in international development co-operation.  In October 2011  Erica WortelJoke Oranje and Simon Koolwijk developed in partnership with the Nedworc Anniversary committee the scenario for a video about the future development in the sector of international development co-operation.  The future of the sector,  developments on the labor market for consultants,  professional development and the future of the consultant were the main discussion threads for the development of the video.

See video:  'Follow your heart, use your brains!' (in Dutch)

The process of video making
After developing the scenario  Erica Wortel and Joke Oranje selected member consultants with various backgrounds eg. livestock advisor, forestry researcher, director of a consultancy agency,  a  participatory research and game specialist and a professional coach/ organisational development advisor.   On the 4th November 2011   Helena Immiga-Berends, Lucy Maarse, Frank van Schoubroek, Rolf Posthouwer and Hilde van Hulst - Mooibroek shared their views about the developments in the international development co-operation sector.
Before filming the interviewees,  Erica and Joke conducted in-depth interviews, whereafter the video interviews were made.   The camera work was done by Simon Koolwijk.  Light, decor, acoustics were optimalized.  About 70 minutes of video was taped.  Normally the ration between video tapes taken and the actual finalized video has a ratio of 7:1.    It took about 3 working days to make the first draft of the video.  In early december 2011 feedback was collected from the interviewees followed by a 2nd and 3rd round of editting. This took in total 2 working days.  One of the big discoveries that was done on how to make the right video conversion in Adobe Premiere elements from images of ratio 4:3 to 16:9.   A search at google helped to solve the problem.  Watch video Video tutorial Adobe Premiera Elements.   Read more about how to make smart short video message at 'The art of making short video messages'

Video as a reference
The video production was shown at the beginning of the 25th Anniversary of the Nedworc Association.   It became a good reference. The key note speaker Louk de la Rive Box, former director of ISS,  stressed that team co-operation, innovation, professional development and using intercultural development experience will be the main factors that will make consultants in international development effective and successfull in the future.    Janneke Juffermans (author of Grenzeloos Gedreven), the conference speaker,  facilitated the plenary discussion between Louk de la Rive Box and the attendees of the 25th Anniversary.

Lessons,  team co-operation and co-creation
The process of video making with Erica Wortel and Joke Oranje was a useful experience. Through team co-operation  I was able to enlarge my knowledge and skills in:
  • How to make a successful video production in one day;
  • How to involve the interviewees in the feedback of the editing process;
  • Learning how to see things from a esthetic, journalistic and more challenging perspective in developing the video story;
  • Video-editing.  I discovered a lot of new ways on how to improve the editted video shots;
  • Discovering it gives a lot of energy if the process is a two-ways learning process while doing co-creation

It was a nice and useful experience!  Thanks for everybody who was involved in the video production.


  1. Simon, helemaal met je eens, het was een leerzame en leuke ervaring met zijn allen. Grappig is als je enkele zinnen van jezelf terugziet in een verhaal dat anderen gemaakt hebben. Puzzelstukjes die je je laten realiseren waar je mee bezig bent.

  2. From Helena Imminga-Berends: Hi Simon, it was great working with you again. I remember our days in Brussels, at the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) where you worked and I was a volunteer. Then in Wageningen and in Nijmegen where we worked together using the transformation game and developing a Budget game (which is now online on my site www.regenboogadvies). Good luck it your work on videos!

  3. Beste Simon en anderen die een bijdrage hebben geleverd aan deze vido,
    Hartelijk dank voor het maken van deze korte 'blip' over het 25-jarige Nedworc lustrum. Dankzij deze video kan ook ik, ondanks mijn afwezigheid, meegenieten van deze dag. Na het zien van deze video groeide mijn vertrouwen dat ik als jonge consultant op de goede weg ben. Vooral met de tip 'versterk je sterke punten' zal ik aan de slag gaan. Vriendelijke groet, Stephanie

  4. Frank, Helena and Stephanie, thanks for sharing your compliments. It was a great pleasure to do and the lustrum of Nedworc on the 6th January, 2012 was great experience. And yes, Stephanie, there is still hope for 'Young Consultants'. If you follow your passion, and use your strengthes and empower them, there will be an important role to play in international development.


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